Internship At MERL

All students enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Diploma in Information Technology Professional Practice or the Diploma in Information Technology Professional Practice undertake a 9-month full-time internship in suitable IT-related work. The Marshall University Information Technology team manages a wide variety of technology platforms which generate an abundance of raw usage data. Opportunities exist to work with IT staff members to perform analysis and reporting of data for applications such as software license utilization, computer asset inventory, and computer security health assessments.

A graduate student cannot transfer credits from another school or program. An undergraduate student needs approval from the Department Chair in order to transfer internship credits from another school or program. If the credits are approved, then they count against the 12-credit limit.

Teachers and professors who would like to join the program as a co-mentor for a student during their internship are welcome. We provide opportunities for students to work either in a LexisNexis office close to their current location or to work remotely.

MMS PREMIUM 1 program clubs the excellence driven guaranteed employability with the much required skills from SAP, IBM and HBP.( Selected students based on academic credentials will get an opportunity to do Harvard HBX CORe program of Business Analytics, Financial accounting and Economics for Manager module. Online courses and case study from HBP ensures that a MMS Premium graduate is a perfect match for the industry.

Especially if you're among the majority of students who need to repay loans, consider how much you're likely to earn after getting a master's degree when calculating the financial pros and cons. Research wages in occupations you would likely qualify for and study the data showing wage premiums to determine whether going to graduate school is right for you.

I was based in two projects during my internship, firstly in the the information technology internships from Pemium Graduate and then lastly, in Accenture The Dock, Accenture's R&D centre. Both projects were extremely relevant to my Business Information System (BSc) degree at the National University Ireland Galway (NUIG). While working on these projects, I was challenged and encouraged to learn more. My Accenture colleagues and team empowered me to develop my technical and soft skills and through this, I gained a tremendous understanding of current Technological and Business practices.

Internships are available to college-level students 18 years of age or older, including undergraduate students, graduate students, or recent graduates of a two- or four-year college, university, or vocational school. Ideal candidates must be able to communicate well, display a record of academic achievement, demonstrate a commitment to Information Technology or public service, and be able to work in a fast-paced environment. Candidates shall also maintain a high standard of ethics and integrity in a work environment.

Find an Internship in your location by using the search bar then complete your application online - note you can save time by connecting your LinkedIn profile. Before applying, make sure you are eligible to work in the country where the programme is based. The application shouldn't take more than 5-10 minutes.

A: The University operates on the academic calendar. Internships run for one academic term, but they may be renewed for a second term if everyone is willing. A letter from the on-site work supervisor must be submitted to the faculty advisor at the end of each term before credit is awarded. No more than 8 credits can be earned for an internship with any one agency, and no more than 12 total credits may be earned through internships.

Intern will gain knowledge of the day-to-day operations of the Playhouse and its education and outreach programs. Will work with teaching artists, stage management, La Jolla Playhouse staff, parents, children and patrons. Expect to work hard, interact with theatre professionals and be inspired to further the field of Theatre Education. Full and part-time positions available in the spring, summer, winter and fall semesters. Year-long positions will also be considered.


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